Something is feasting on my garden. I had spotted a small caterpillar but thought nothing of it (at first) then I started to notice holes in my leaves (on my herbs or veggies). These pests don't discriminate! I found this picture online, don't think those are my hands and that I would actually touch it ;S
I was looking online for remedies, apparently there's people that hunt them down at night (when they're active) and pull them off by hand and squish them. Not for me, decided to seek out alternate organic soultions. Initially wanted to get a praying mantis - but they're hard to come by, ugly, and I would have to touch it. So I opted for an insecticide.
Lots of sources recommended: : Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) can be found at most garden centers in the pesticide section. It's primarily organic (wanted to be sure of that since I eat from my garden). Brand names are Thuricide and Dipel. This strain of Bt is a bacterial disease that only affects caterpillars. It has to be ingested by the pest caterpillar, within a 3 days after ingestion the product renders their digestive tract and kills them. We'll see if it works! Sprayed it last night after I put the dogs to bed and it STUNK, this morning Rip & Tini were all around my garden trying to figure out the funk!
For the pesky files:

*It did say, once the water was black, it's "FULL" (dead flies) - time to replace the "juices" and they recommend that you don't rinse. Maybe I'll have Chuck help me out with that :D You can only imagine the FUNK.
Thanks for all of the info.
I'm sure Chuck will have no problem changing out the rancid foul smelling water...
You're the only one eating from your garden, right? Meaning, we're not feasting on that tomorrow. Seriously, not feasting on that. I'm grading it GI: gross and interesting.
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