Monday, July 21, 2008

Weekly Recap

It's been a busy time for us. Last week we had two professional development evening events (Wed. and Thursday). Needless to say, we were both very exhausted and drained.

Friday we hang out with the dogs and Carlos started watching No County for Old Men. I fell asleep, too much dialogue to keep up with. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to start it at 10pm :S The end was kind of BLAH (that's all I'm saying so I don't ruin it for anyone).

Saturday we hung out with Ryan and Christina. (Ryan and Carlos have been friends since the 6th grade!) It was great hanging out with them, we tried to hit up some of their usual hot spots (they use to live in Pasadena years ago) but most of the restaurants that came to mind were CLOSED :S We ended up at Barney's in Old Town and finally got to see Ryan on his new bike. (I'll add pictures soon.) Later, we stopped by Trina's house, she threw a b-day party for her boyfriend Chris. He's turning 30 (FINALLY). After the festivities, we headed back to the parents house, hung out a little while, picked up the dogs, and headed home.

You all are going to think we're NUTS, but we ran another race - The Magic Shoe Run (5K) in Irvine. Carlos finished in 23.22 minutes (7:31 min. mile) and I finished in 38.52 (12:30 min. mile). I walked more than 1/2, my right legs acted up but I had a strong finish :D


Abel said...

Dang you guys are becoming like super heroes and stuff.

Erick & Norma said...

SUPER Maria to the rescue!

twopennycents said...

too much for one weekend? marathon living is what you two are doing now.