While cruising the web, I came across this informative video: http://video.about.com/vegetarian/Tofu.htm
I used his technique to drain the tofu and it actually worked. I was so pumped. I cubed the tofu and sauteed it in olive oil with some italian seasoning, mushrooms, red onions, and parmesan cheese! YUM, even Carlos enjoyed it. He claims to like everything I cook but sometimes I can tell he isn't feeling my new creations :D
Garden update: I've picked more tomatoes, chiles, and basil. My squash is looking nicely. The ladybugs I introduced into the garden, all flew away ($4.99 down the drain) and I'm not in the market to buy a praying mantis. I was left with one option: worm castings (aka worm poop). It's organic without a doubt :D It kind of looks like fertilizer or you can opt for WORM TEA. They seep some poop in water and drain it. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vermicompost) It's suppose to be a good fertilizer and keep pests away. Whenever you spray an insecticide (organic or not) it's recommended that you do it after sun down so that it don't damage the leaves.
Hard at work, with my headlamp and my croc's spraying worm tea!
The miracle potion - 100% organic. Hoping it works!
Croc's are a fashion no no!
Croc's are okay when you're gardening, I don't really where them out!
I apologize for my husband's harassment over your Crocs, pay no mind to him! He's just a hater.
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