Plan on cooking them tomorrow :D
But I'm realizing that I have A LOT of them dying on me - they don't develop, all they do is get yellow, brown, then shrivel up. After some internet searching I realize that there the "male" plants aren't getting pollinated from the "female" plants - or vice versa. It's all very new to me, check out:
Worm Team Update
The "worm tea" is working, check out the caterpillar below. It's all shriveled and dead! Thankfully my veggies and herbs are SAFE again!
I've been avoiding the fly trap, it's inevitable, I can't ignore it any longer. The fly trap is FULL. The water has turned a nice BLACK and we're in dire need of replacing it. Wish us luck.
i know all about the fly trap. misael's going to dance that over into the trash tomorrow. it was 102 degrees today. i think the fries in there boiled a bit. that caterpillar looked huge! not very cute, like in that eric carle book.
I found actual sites that document (with pictures) the pollination process:
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