On Saturday, we decided to run some errands and hit up Sears (for a lawn mower) and Home Depot (for random house stuff). When we got to Sears, they were offering up some pretty sweet deals on their tools but there were too many people, not enough store clerks to answer questions. So we drifted past the tools and lawn mowers to look at a dishwashers. The one in the house is the "pinto" of washers, it's loud, and I feel like it doesn't clean to my standards :S After seeing the nicer (pricier) Kenmores, I somehow convinced Carlos to go to the Sears outlet. To my surprise, there were so many people there, browsing and actually buying appliances (aren't we in a recession?) We checked out the dishwashers and as we were walking out, we found a Craftsman mitre saw for a mere $80 (retails over $200). We couldn't pass it up.

At Home Depot, we found a compressor with a brad nailer for $80 (retail over $200). I've always wanted a nail gun, I guess I've been watching too many home improvement shows.

So it's settled, we now have the right tools to make our fireplace mantel. We're in the pre-production stage, I will gladly document the process through pictures once we get started.
What deals did you all find?
You've always wanted a nail gun? :) That's funny, but I know how you feel. Soudns like you got some great deals on tools. Maybe Ben should have gotton up and gone shopping too.
Can't wait to see your fireplace mantle. We might just have to hire you to do ours now that you have all the tools.
I have done no shopping whatsoever. Yes, I am way behind on the game. I think people are going to be lucky if they get anything from us :) I need to get working on it this next weekend. I think I'm holding out on stuff for us until after new year's, I am hoping for better deals. We'll see. Good luck with the fireplace.
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