Thursday, December 4, 2008

Must See

I was watching MSNBC and found this tragic but very compelling story...... (To view the trailer - it's on the top left hand side of the page)


Erick & Norma said...

Erick said...
I had seen the movie poster previously and was already sucked in. I hate how the trailer leaves you hanging, i want to know what happens next!

Ambitious Crafter said...

And I've been trying to look up news articles to see if she was ever convicted and I can't -- it's a mystery :S I'll just have to watch.

Erick & Norma said...

That is a MAJOR cliffhanger!!! I need to know what happens next. Ask Erick, I was yelling at the computer because I couldn't believe it left you hanging like that. Let us know if you see anything else about it.