Monday, April 20, 2009

'Tis the season to Garden!

The garden is coming into it's own .....I've had to weed, removed, replant, till, water a lot these last couple of weeks (in the back and front yard).

In order to plant new species you need to prepare the soil. If you've had preexisting plants in area, you have to dig them out and aerate the soil before you start your new crop. It's been moderately sunny up until this past weekend. We had record heat hit the south land. Many cities set new records but it was amazingly clear and blue. What can I say we're luck to be living in Southern California

Things I've planted for this season:
11 tomato varieties (including some heirloom tomatoes)
more jalapeno & serrano plants
crocked neck squash
spearmint [but I'm keeping this in a pot - very invasive (like rosemary)]
non-edibles: marigolds, false heather, spanish lavender to attract the bees
(Did I mention that last season I was pollinating my own squash plant!! Yes, every morning I would walk out and inspect the squash to see if any "female" flowers were open and I would assist the "male" flowers in pollination by removing the stamen of the "male" flower and introducing it to the "female" flower.... it was invitro fertilization for plants (without the petri dish). Anyhow - that's when I realized how valuable bees are - they do the dirty work so you don't have too. Got to love mother nature's humor.)

Plants I removed:
lettuce (romaine & bronze leaf)
chile plants out (the heat was too much for them)
cauliflower and broccoli too (season was over)

Still waiting for onions, purple cabbage, and baby we'll see when they're ready to harvest.

In the front yard - I added some lavender and roses. I had a black thumb when it came to roses until my mother-in-law provided me with some essential tips.

  • Roses love sun, keep them watered at all times.
  • When a bud blooms (and dies) remove it immediately. Count down 5 "branches/leaves" and angle cut it when you see a new buddling.
  • Fertilize with Bayer Rose and Plant food every 2 months (pellets)
  • If you see yellow, white, black spots on the leaves treat with Ortho's Rose Care insecticide.
  • Add new rose soil - (Whitney brand is what I use) every couple of months to keep them nourished.
So far so good I haven't killed one yet :D

1 comment:

Erick & Norma said...

Dang, we need to come over and raid that garden of yours :) sounds delicious! Good Job!!!!!