After almost 13 years of being together and countless unsuccessful attempts at learning to drive stick. This time I'm determined to learn. I can't afford not too, especially with the soaring gas prices. Carlos & I have decided to start carpooling to work whenever it's convenient. My truck doesn't get great gas mileage but uses regular, his car gets better gas mileage but uses expensive gas. We've come to the conclusion that it might be better to drive his wheels into work and he gets compensated through work for carpooling - another benefit. I'll keep you posted!

Can this be TRUE? Stephanie Izard won TOP CHEF! I was beside myself when it was announced. I didn't want "bad attitude Lisa" to win and Richard confessed in front of the judges - he choked, he choked big time. I'm even more excited since she's a woman! Girl Power.

Can't believe it - someone shoot these idiots:
2 Marines disciplined over puppy-tossing video
Where do I start? ummm...carpooling is fun! I think it makes the drive more pleasant AND you're helping the environment. I am so HAPPY that Stephanie won too! I was yelling at the TV last night hoping to talk some sense into those judges, I can't believe they kept Lisa until the end! Oh, and, thanks for the 'shout out' to Dragon :)
maybe you should trade both cars in for a horse and wagon. we are. and we're growing the hay they will have to eat as well. hhhhhhaaaa
does carlos drive a vw or audi? we have the premium gas pains too - but our vw station wagon does get 30 mpg - and it's not even stick.
and keep with it, eventually it'll become second nature.
Car is a Subaru with a turbo - the gas and clutch are pretty sensitive I think - I'll just have to get use to it :D Thanks for the positive vibes!
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